



GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) that contains the active ingredient, stanozolol. It is a powerful anabolic agent with a low androgenic activity. It has been used for decades by athletes, bodybuilders and fitness fanatics as a means to increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat levels. Stanozolol can also increase muscular endurance and physical strength, as well as improve speed and agility.


The two main benefits of GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 are:

  • It can increase lean muscle mass
  • It can reduce body fat levels

GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 is also known to:

  • Boost physical strength
  • Enhance muscular endurance
  • Increase speed and agility

In addition to these benefits, GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 is also known to increase muscle definition, reduce water retention, help maintain muscle mass and strength in a calorie-deficit diet, and support muscle glycogen storage for improved endurance.

Pharmacological Properties and Effects of GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10

GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 contains the active ingredient, stanozolol, which is a synthetic anabolic steroid that has similar effects as the body’s natural testosterone. It has a structure similar to testosterone, making it an anabolic steroid, which means it increases the production of proteins in the body and leads to the buildup of muscle tissue. It also has a relatively low androgenic potency, meaning it has fewer side effects than other AAS. The effects of GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 are similar to other anabolic steroids, meaning that it has the potential to increase lean muscle mass, reduce body fat, and boost physical strength and endurance.

Side Effects and Dosage

GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 can have some adverse effects, including:

  • Elevated bad cholesterol levels
  • Liver toxicity
  • Gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue in men)
  • Suppression of testosterone production
  • High blood pressure
  • Acne
  • Hair loss

It is important to note that GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 is not intended for use by women, as its effects can be much more intense than those of other anabolic steroids. The correct dosage of GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 should be determined by a medical professional. Generally, only men should use stanozolol and dosing for men is typically between 10 to 40 mg per day. Dosages over 40 mg per day can be extremely risky and can cause serious health issues. It is also important to note that the effects of GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 can be intensified when taken with other anabolic steroids.

Indications and Contraindications

GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 is generally used by athletes, bodybuilders and fitness fanatics as a means to increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat levels. In some cases, it is also used to treat certain medical conditions, such as bone and joint problems. GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, as well as those who have a history of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney or liver disease, high cholesterol, breast cancer, prostate cancer, or any other serious medical condition.


GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 is a powerful anabolic agent that can help those who are looking to increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat levels. It also has the potential to boost physical strength and endurance, and can help maintain muscle mass and strength in a calorie-deficit diet. The effects of GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 can be intensified when combined with other anabolic steroids, although it is important to note that this can increase the risk of adverse side effects. Whether you are a professional athlete, bodybuilder, or fitness enthusiast, GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 can be the ideal choice to help you achieve your desired results. However, it is important to use it only as directed and to only take the recommended dosage. If you think that GENTECH LABS WINSTROL 10 may be right for you, speak to your doctor or healthcare professional to determine the correct dosage for you and to go over the potential risks and side effects.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg



Laboratoires de technologie genetique

volume de commande

Sachet (100 compressed)


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