



Medexio Winstrol 10mg (stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid that has been designed to promote muscle definition, boost energy levels and burn stored fat cells. This powerful performance enhancing drug has been used for decades by athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts to gain an edge in their physical fitness goals. Offering an array of distinct properties; it helps to increase muscle size, strength and stamina, as well as promoting faster recovery post workout.

Features and Benefits of Medexio Winstrol 10mg

Medexio Winstrol 10mg has been a popular choice among athletes and bodybuilders for over three decades due to its potential to deliver fast and intense results. Some of the key features and benefits this supplement offers include:

  • Increased Strength: Winstrol 10mg helps to increase the force of muscle contractions, thus boosting strength gains.
  • Increased Stamina: The supplement helps to increase muscular endurance through its ability to reduce lactic acid buildup.
  • Improved Muscle Definition: It helps to improve muscle definition and vascularity, thus providing a more athletic appearance.
  • Faster Recovery: Employing antioxidant properties, Winstrol 10mg helps to speed up muscular recovery post workout.

Pharmacological Properties of Medexio Winstrol 10mg

Medexio Winstrol 10mg is a C17-aa anabolic androgenic steroid, thus modifications to the steroid’s molecular structure make it possible to bypass the liver’s first pass metabolism process. This process helps to reduce the physical side effects that can be experienced when using the supplement, thus making it a more effective anabolic agent. Moreover, it aids in burning off excess fat cells, thus reducing body fat levels.

Effects of Medexio Winstrol 10mg

Medexio Winstrol 10mg helps to increase protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and overall metabolic activity, thus promoting an increase in strength, muscle size, power and endurance. In general, most users usually experience benefits such as an improvement in:

  • Strength gains
  • Muscularity
  • Athletic performance
  • Recovery time
  • Metabolic rate

Side Effects of Medexio Winstrol 10mg

At recommended dosage and under the supervision of a medical practitioner, trusted users rarely report any adverse side effects when using Medexio Winstrol 10mg. Nonetheless, the potential risks include; high cholesterol, testosterone suppression, cardiac hypertrophy and other steroid-related side effects. During treatment with this supplement, it is advised to monitor your vital signs, such as cholesterol and lipid profiles.

Correct Dosage for Medexio Winstrol 10mg

The recommended dosage of Medexio Winstrol 10mg is 10 – 20 mg per day for male users and 5 – 10 mg per day for female users. Winstrol is taken orally, as the body absorbs it quickly, thus delivering fast results. It is usually taken in 4 – 6-week cycles in order to reduce the potential risk of negative side effects. Additionally, the usage of post-cycle therapy nutrition and antioxidant supplementation is highly encouraged to further reduce the risk of adverse side effects.

Overdose of Medexio Winstrol 10mg

Taking any dosage above the recommended dosage may lead to serious health complications such as liver damage, cardiovascular diseases, elevated cholesterol levels and other potential risks. It is highly advised not to take any analgesics or over the counter medication while using Medexio Winstrol 10mg without consulting a doctor.

Indications and Contraindications for Medexio Winstrol 10mg

Medexio Winstrol 10mg is mainly used by athletes and bodybuilders to gain a competitive edge in their physical performance. It is not recommended for the average population; therefore, individuals should consult a medical practitioner prior to using the supplement. Additionally, people under the age of 21, those with pre-existing medical conditions and women who are pregnant or nursing should not use this product.

Value of Medexio Winstrol 10mg

Medexio Winstrol 10mg offers a wide range of benefits when used as a performance enhancer. This product helps to increase strength gains, reduce fat levels, improve muscle definition and provide fast recovery post workout. Its unique pharmacological properties and rapid absorption help to deliver its effects efficiently, and its advanced formula helps to reduce the risk of experiencing adverse side effects. It offers a distinct competitive edge for athletes and bodybuilders without compromising their health.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg



Medexio Laboratories

volume de commande

Pacchetto (100 Comprimés)


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